Well, here we are starting week #3 of a planned one week visit. Peggy's brother, Howard, has had some health issues, so they decided to stay a while longer and help. Peggy's other brother, Charlie, and his wife, Mary Ann, were passing through St. Louis on their way to a reunion with some of Mary Ann's college friends, and stayed over in St. Louis for a night. First time in nine years they have all three been together, so they really enjoyed their visit. They went to this really neat Italian restaurant for dinner - Charlie Gitto's. I never get to go to those places with them!
Mary Ann, Charlie, Howard, Peggy
As usual when in St. Louis, Peggy can't stop taking pictures of the Arch. I must admit, it is kinda an awesome sight. Especially at night when it's lighted.
View from the RV park.
We have a great view of the Arch and the city skyline from our RV park. The park is actually across the Mississippi River in Illinois. It is part of a riverboat casino and hotel complex.
Casino Queen RV Park

These maps never, ever fold up the way they came!
As I told you before, the folks around here bleed "Red Bird" red. They voted in a new stadium a couple of years ago, and it will be home to the Cardinals next season. As this is the last year for the old Busch Stadium, there are all kinds of nostalgic happenings. A new commerative pin every few days. Peggy bought one for her brother that has the dates and a picture of the stadium. They are also selling game balls from the last season. Have one of those order for Howard also -- yeah, he has red feathers sprouting on him also. The city had a contest for what to name the new stadium, and would you believe, Busch Stadium took first place.

New (in foreground) and old Busch Stadiums