After one night in Ohio, we stopped in Frankenmuth, MI (just south of Saginaw). My humans tried to do some window shopping and see some of the quaint German town, however a big thunderstorm came up so they settled for going to the Bavarian Village Inn for dinner. So many choices, all the wonderful German dishes, and all you can eat fried chicken, not to mention the desserts, yum, yum.
Next stop was Mackinaw City. They took a boat out to Mackinac Island to tour the Island and Fort Mackinac. The Fort was very interesting, and the guides were dressed in period costumes. They also did several re-enactments during the day which were very interesting and informative. There was a court martial, rifle and cannon firing, music and dancing. No cars are allowed on the island. The only way to get around is walking, bicycling, or by horse drawn carriage. Arriving passengers who are staying over at one of the hotels on the island are met by bell boys with bicycles or horse carts who take their luggage for them. Deliveries for the stores and restaurants are made by horse drawn wagons. After returning from the island, they visited Colonia Michilimackinac which was the location of the original fort and the Point Mackinac Lighthouse.
View from Fort Mackinac

View of Fort Mackinac from the harbor
Two of the wonderful tour guides at Ft. Mackinac
You may have noticed that I've used two different spellings for is English, the other French. They are pronunced the same, but are not interchaneable. It would be incorrect to write Mackinac City or Mackinaw Island??? Very confusing for a little kitty.

Horses and bicycles on the mail street.
Island style taxi
Mackinac Point Lighthouse